IV. REPORTS a. Outreach Chair Report: Crystal Neilson-Hall b. Treasurer’s Report: Larry Finnegan, $3547.00, $19 check for membership c. Secretary’s Report: Elisha Kiser Doug motion to accept, Judy second motion, motion passed. d. Communications Report: Thea Stanley On website, tribute to William Quarles. e. Vice Chair’s Report: Jen Strozier BOS have not started commission on redistricting because have not received census information yet. 1, 4, 5 BOS up for grabs and will be after redistricting. Really need to work on getting people registered to vote. A lot of influx in east end of county. Redistricting will be deferred until late 2021 not current election. f. Chair’s Report: Tina Winkler Donation in William’s memory. Two organizations – Goochland Education Foundation and Goochland Pet Lovers. Tom DeWeerd – scholarship in memorial. He is going to follow up to the Goochland Education Foundation and give details next month. Checks can be sent to PO Box, made out to GDC with note for William Quarles Scholarship Fund
V. OLD BUSINESS a. Fundraising Committee Report Good news – acts are lined up. Bad news - but even though tent is free, strict restrictions on political events. Mondays closed and usually when they 3hr – 960 with grat fee $300.00 – too much money Possibly Rec Center
VI. MEMBERS SPEAK Wendy Hobbs – Haywood Pace (sp?) big supporter. COVID shot – Wendy working with health dept on part of NAACP to get African American community to get vaccinated. Wow – Wendy has gotten 400 shots so far in February. 804.822.6407 to call Wendy and get on list. 65-75 with underlying conditions currently. Adjourn: Puneet Hans made a motion to adjourn and Jen Strozier second the motion at 8:23pm. ATTENDING (24)● Officers: Jen Strozier, Tina Winkler, Elisha Kiser, Thea Stanley, Larry Finnegan ● Members: Sukie McCormick, Wendy Hobbs, Harry Hancock, Puneet Hans, Barbara N, Jean Smith, Wanda Taylor, Andrew Ward, Marion Daniel, Mary Jane Goodrich, Bruce Silverman, Katy, Colleen Williams, Tom Deweerd, Susan Umidi, Judie Sheppard, Fred Roensch, Doug Mock, Carol Wampler, Maureen Kennedy, Matt Whitford, Tina Marmarou, Vernon, Larry Finnegan ● Guests: Andria McClellan, Tova Yampolsky, Xavier Warren, Sean Perryman, Elizabeth Guzman, Lauren Burke, James Conway
Goochland Democratic Committee Meeting Thursday, March 14, 2019 @ Goochland County Administration Office – 6:30 p.m.
Tina Winkler opened the meeting with the introduction of Levin White, candidate for sheriff of Goochland County. Mr. White spoke to the committee about his experience in law enforcement, how he would run the sheriff’s office if elected, and answered questions.
McKenzie Heidelmark from Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger’s office, gave the committee an update on Congress.
3/24/2019 - Meet &Greet at the Goochland Recreational Center from 2:00-4:00 p.m. for candidates for the Goochland Board of Supervisors Crystal Nelson-Hall (1st District) & Wendy Hobbs (2nd District).
Crystal Nelson-Hall reminded the committee that she is to be on the Gene Rossi show.
Tina Winkler gave a report for the 3/9/2019 fund raising event Taste of the Seventh:
Made over $10,000 with $3000 per committee after expenses.
Plan to donate $250 to the 7th District Congressional Committee
Approximately 175 people attended
3/28/2020 is the planned date for event next year
Grass roots award and distinguished citizens awards planned for 2020 event
The committee voted on two new members:
Deb Weymouth
Lori Elliott
Fred Roensch reminded the committee about climate change legislature and that he spoke to Congresswoman Spanberger about this.
Meeting ended at 8:00 p.m.
Ruth Quarles – Substitute Secretary
Goochland Democratic Committee Meeting Saturday, February 16, 2019 9:30 a. m. – 11:15 a. m.
The meeting was called to order by Tina Winkler. Motion was passed to change to order of business to include speakers.
Emile Fisher – running for sheriff of Goochland County – talked about his campaign Fred Roensch - from the Citizens Climate Lobby – purpose of group - pass laws for a neutral revenue fee dividend on non-renewable energy innovation and carbon dividend act (HR763)
Upcoming Events:
2/19/2019 – Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger congressional office is hosting a town hall meeting at the Goochland Recreational Center – need a ticket to attend
3/2/2019 – Mr. Peterson gave information on the Community Conversation on Bullying being held at the Goochland Recreational Center from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
3/9/2019 - Taste of the Seventh fund raiser – honorees are James H. Bowles, Sr., and Edward Steve Fleming – Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger special guest - $50.00 per ticket; various prices for sponsorships - Independence Golf Club in Powhatan County 600 Founders Bridge Blvd. Midlothian, Virginia 23113
Other business:
Crystal Nelson-Hall (District 1) and Wendy Hobbs (District 2) updated the committed on their campaigns for the Board of Supervisors.
Wendy Hobbs gave an update of her trip to the General Assembly on Lobby Day.
Treasurer’s report: Given by William Quarles (for Larry Finnagan): Balance $4386.66
Sebastian Volcher indicated an interest in running for the Monacan Soil & Water District position. William Quarles will get the information to him.
Member comment session on what was happening in Virginia’s capital.